Online & In-Person: March 7, 2024
Day 1 of The Great Estates Auction at The Barn
Carl Eriksson was a legendary art collector in the central Ohio community.
His storied art collection was rarely seen but often discussed. Carl bought art
with confidence and abandon - and never sought authentication or validation
from anyone else. In addition to the works offered in his single-owner auction
on March 7, Carl had accumulated another 250+ works of art that will be sold in upcoming auctions, with a select few being kept by family and friends.
Many of the works are described as "after" a specific artist, sometimes even when the work is signed. We do not guarantee the authenticity of any work described as "after" an artist, even if it is signed. It would be a monumental task to have every painting in Carl's collection authenticated. Instead, it is being offered the way Carl himself collected: from a collector to collectors, in the spirit of appreciation, opportunity, and adventure.
Click below to download a printable artist index, alphabetical by name with lot numbers:
Printed catalog available for $25, including shipping. The quickest way to receive your catalog is to submit payment at and then email your mailing address and payment confirmation to
From Carl's wife, Linda:

Carl Einar Eriksson was born and educated in Sweden. To understand him as a person, you need to know a few things: his profession was Civil Engineering; he had a mind like a steel trap for the intricate details of history; he loved classical musicas well as Scandinavian folk music; and his lifelong passion was fine art.
Arriving to the United States in the mid - 1950’s aboard the Queen Elizabeth II, Carldisembarked in New York City with three suitcases to his name: two were filled with books and third con- tained clothing – and one small Sven Jonson painting. That little canvas was the genesis for the Carl
Eriksson collection, which eventually swelled to over 600 paintings and sculptures.
Carl originally planned to work in the states for two years before returning to Sweden.However, lithose two years turned into a lifetime after he met and married his late wife,Ann Meikle. The pair settled in Columbus, Ohio where Carl’s eponymous firm, ErikssonEngineering, Ltd., would find a steady stream of work designing and planning highways for the burgeoning midwestern hub.
Throughout his life, Carl never took a break from seeking and acquiring art. Over the years, many would ask how and where he acquired the paintings that hung gallery - style throughout our home (and were tucked into every closet and drawer he could find when the walls became full). Carl always answered graciously, providing details about his favorite haunts and recent acquisitions. His keen eye for a great work of art was always open to the possibility of one more “find”, whether from a unassuming antique shop, at an impromptu “swap meet” with fellow art enthusiasts, or from auctions in major cities across America. I believe he would have enjoyed this celebration of his lifelong love of all things beautiful.
Carl and I were married for over 35 years, during which time it was my pleasure to accompany him on many of his adventures into the world of art collecting, and I have loved living and sharing with my husband this amazing collection. I hope those lucky enough to make these pieces their own will find joy living with them as well.
A note from Amelia on handling Carl's collection:

When my oldest child was in kindergarten, her teacher recommended a book called Raising Your Spirited Child, which explores the notion of labels - how they influence our experience of children and how the labels we choose can either complement strengths or highlight challenges. The book made an indelible impression on me. Suddenly, my stubborn child became determined. Where I had considered her picky, I now saw discernment.
Delving into the lifetime collection of Carl Eriksson has provided me with a number of opportunities to reflect on my own experiences of him, as well as to hear from industry peers about theirs. Carl perplexed many of the art professionals he met. Most collectors look to those in the business for guidance and validation, but not Carl. He collected voraciously, with a confidence and assuredness that art dealers and
other collectors sometimes found off-putting. Over the 20 years I knew Carl as a client at Garth’s, I always found him to be affable, though a bit private. For many years, I asked to visit him and the collection, but he was evasive. Later in his life, he invited me to come by with our mutual friend (and one of Carl’s closest), Dave Terry. I deeply regret never having taken him up on that invitation. Carl’s collection is legendary in the central Ohio art community. Everyone knew he sat on a trove of paintings, but few had seen it. Whispers included names of the illustrious artists he was suspected to have; and there were even more whispers about where and how he acquired them - and, of course, whether or not those works were “right”.
Getting to know the collection intimately during this process, I am seeing Carl and his beloved artworks with a new lens - and new labels. Where others looked for certainty, Carl was totally comfortable with possibility. Recently, a fellow art professional questioned the sheer volume of Carl’s collecting style versus focusing on just a few “important” works. I’d like to think that Carl would consider every work important in some way - that his labels would favor the positive side of things, seeing everything that was right and letting go of that which others might label as “wrong.”
It is a great honor and joy to handle a collection built with such passion and optimism. Our team has endeavored to evaluate each work with diligence and care - considering the opinions of our peers who have weighed in, but also seeking additional feedback from individuals with specialization in particular genres or artists. The catalog is organized loosely by style, period, or subject. It is our hope that our efforts will help to cultivate Carl’s enviable sense of adventure, optimism, and appreciation in each of us.
The Carl Eriksson Collection sold on March 7, 2024 at 11a in the former Garth's Barn at 2690 Stratford Road, Delaware, Ohio 43015. For inquiries about the collection, contact 740.362.4771 or To pay your invoice, visit
Auctioneers: Amelia Jeffers & Jeff Whittington